Product Name: J601A-B
Product Line: 6-axis robot for educational purposes
Color Options: Blue, White, Yellow
Product Weight: 11.5 kg
Maximum Payload: 1 kg
Exported from: China
Importer: Minh Tâm Automation
Category Anno Robotics (Educational)
Product Capabilities:
- Components of the 6-axis robot arm can be disassembled and reassembled individually.
- Programmable 6-axis robot arm.
- Can be integrated with other devices in an automation environment.
- User-friendly interface for easy access.
- Practical applications in industry and everyday life.
- Provide students with knowledge about the structure and components of the 6-axis robot arm.
- Help students understand the real-world applications of the robot arm.
- Offer practical experience for students.
- Stimulate creativity in students.