Address: Office: Office No. 2, Service Center of Amata Industrial Park, Amata Road, Amata Industrial Park, Long Binh Ward, Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai, Vietnam.
Hotline: 0917 662 701

    Variable Frequency Drive

    Honyee variable frequency drives (VFDs) are used for pumps, fans, elevators, cranes and machines. There are four types of VFDs: 220v single phase to 3 phase output, 220v 3 phase to 3 phase output, 380v 3 phase input to 3 phase output, 480v 3 phase input to 3 phase output. Power ranges from 1.5kw to 800kw.

    Honyee variable frequency drives (VFDs) are used for pumps, fans, elevators, cranes and machines. There are four types of VFDs: 220v single phase to 3 phase output, 220v 3 phase to 3 phase output, 380v 3 phase input to 3 phase output, 480v 3 phase input to 3 phase output. Power ranges from 1.5kw to 800kw.




    Specifications Descriptions
    Input & Output  
    Input Voltage 220V/380V/480V/575V/660V ±15%
    Input Frequency 47~63Hz
    Input Frequency Resolution 0.01Hz (Digital setting); maximum frequency × 0.025% (Analog setting)
    Output Voltage 0~Rated input voltage
    Output Frequency 0~320Hz (SFC); 0~3200Hz (V/F)
    Technical Performance  
    Control Mode Sensor-less vector control (SVC); Closed-loop vector control (FVC); Voltage/Frequency (V/F) control
    Carrier Frequency 0.5kHz~16kHz
    Startup Torque G type: 0.5Hz/150% (FVC); 0Hz/180% (FVC); P type: 0.5Hz/100%
    Speed Range 1:100 (SVC); 1:1000 (FVC)
    Speed Stability Accuracy ±0.5% (SVC); ±0.02% (FVC)
    Torque Control Accuracy ±5% (FVC)
    Overload Capacity G type: 150% rated current 60s; 180% rated current 3s; P type: 120% rated current 60s; 150% rated current 3s
    Torque Boost Auto boost; Manual boost 0.1%~30.0%
    DC Braking 0.00Hz~maximum frequency (DC braking frequency); 0.0s~36.0s (Braking time); 0.0%~100.0% (Braking trigger current value)
    Individualized Functions  
    Built-in Simple PLC / Multiple Speeds It realizes up to 16 speeds via the simple PLC function or combination of DI terminal states.
    Built-in PID It realizes closed loop control system easily.
    Auto Voltage Regulation (AVR) It can keep constant output voltage automatically when the mains voltage fluctuation.
    Overvoltage/Overcurrent Stall Control The current and voltage are limited automatically during the running process so as to avoid frequently tripping due to overvoltage/over current.
    Rapid Current Limit To avoid frequently over current faults of the frequency inverter.
    Torque Limit and Control It can limit the torque automatically and prevent frequently over current tripping during the running process. Torque control can be implemented in the VC mode.
    High Performance Control of asynchronous motor is implemented through the high-performance current vector control technology.
    Virtual I/O Five groups of virtual DI/DO can realize simple logic control.
    Timing Control Time range: 0.0~6500.0 minutes
    Motor Overheat Protection The optional I/O extension card enables AI3 to receive the motor temperature sensor input (PT100, PT1000) so as to realize motor overheat protection.
    Multiple Encoder Types It supports differential encoder, open-collector encoder.
    Protection Mode Motor short-circuit detection after power-on, input/output phase loss protection, overcurrent and overvoltage protection, less voltage protection, overheat protection and overload protection, etc.
    External Interface  
    Running Command Giving key panel; Control terminals; Serial communication port; You can switch between these giving in various ways.
    Frequency Giving There are 10 kinds frequency giving: digital setting, analog voltage setting, analog current setting, pulse setting and serial communication port setting.
    Programmable Digital Input 6 digital input (DI) terminals, one of which supports up to 100 kHz high-speed pulse input.
    Programmable Analog Input 3 analog input (AI) terminals, AI1, AI2 support 0V~10V or 0mA~20mA input, AI3 support -10V~+10V.
    Programmable Open Collector Output 1 FMP output terminal, that supports 0–100 kHz square wave signal output (Can be used as DO output).
    Programmable Analog Output 2 analog output (AO) terminals, both of them support 0mA~20mA current output and 0V~10V voltage output.
    Relay Output 2 relay output terminal (2.2KW and below only have 1 relay output terminal).
    Installation Location Indoor, no direct sunlight, dust, corrosive gas, combustible gas, oil smoke, vapour, drip or salt.
    Altitude Lower than 1000m
    Ambient Temperature -10°C~ +40°C (de-rated if the ambient temperature is between 40°C and 50°C)
    Humidity Less than 95%RH, without condensing
    Vibration Less than 5.9 m/s² (0.6 g)
    Storage Temperature -20°C ~ +60°C




    Model Power Capacity(KVA) Input Current (A) Output Current (A) Adaptable Motor(kW) Adaptable Motor(HP)
    Single phase 220V 50/60Hz          
    EM10-G1-d75 1.5 8.2 4 0.75 1
    EM10-G1-1d5 3 14 7 1.5 2
    EM10-G1-2d2 4 23 9.6 2.2 3
    3 phase 220V 50/60Hz          
    EM10-G2-d75 3 5 3.8 0.75 1
    EM10-G2-1d5 4 5.8 5.1 1.5 2
    EM10-G2-2d2 5.9 10.5 9 2.2 3
    EM10-G2-004 8.9 14.6 17 3.7 5
    EM10-G2-5d5 17 26 25 5.5 7.5
    EM10-G2-7d5 21 35 32 7.5 10
    EM10-G2-011 30 46.5 45 11 15
    EM10-G2-015 40 62 60 15 20
    EM10-G2-018 57 76 75 18.5 25
    EM10-G2-022 69 92 91 22 30
    EM10-G2-030 85 113 112 30 40
    EM10-G2-037 114 157 150 37 50
    EM10-G2-045 134 180 176 45 60
    EM10-G2-055 160 214 210 55 75
    EM10-G2-075 231 307 304 75 100
    3 phase 380V 50/60Hz          
    EM10B-G3-d75/P3-1d5 1.5/3 5/5.8 2.1/3.8 0.75/1.5 45293
    EM10B-G3-1d5/P3-2d2 45355 5.8/10.5 3.8/5.1 1.5/2.2 45325
    EM10B-G3-2d2/P3-004 4/5.9 10.5/14.6 5.1/9 2.2/3.7 45356
    EM10-G3-004/P3-5d5 5.9/8.9 14.6/20.5 45548 3.7/5.5 5/7.5
    EM10-G3-5d5/P3-7d5 8.9/11 20.5/26 13/17 5.5/7.5 7.5/10
    EM10-G3-7d5/P3-011 45613 26/35 17/25 7.5/11 45580
    EM10-G3-011/P3-015 17/21 35/38.5 25/32 45611 15/20
    EM10-G3-015/P3-018 21/24 38.5/46.5 32/37 15/18.5 20/25
    EM10-G3-018/P3-022 24/30 46.5/62 37/45 18.5/22 25/30
    EM10-G3-022/P3-030 30/40 62/76 45/60 22/30 30/40
    EM10-G3-030/P3-037 40/57 76/92 60/75 30/37 40/50
    EM10-G3-037/P3-045 57/69 92/113 75/91 37/45 50/60
    EM10-G3-045/P3-055 69/85 113/128 91/112 45/55 60/75
    EM10-G3-055/P3-075 85/114 128/157 112/150 55/75 75/100
    EM10-G3-075/P3-090 114/134 157/180 150/176 75/90 100/125
    EM10-G3-090/P3-110 134/160 180/214 176/210 90/110 125/150
    EM10-G3-110/P3-132 160/192 214/256 210/253 110/132 150/200
    EM10-G3-132/P3-160 192/231 256/307 253/304 132/160 200/250
    EM10-G3-160/P3-200 231/250 307/385 304/377 160/200 250/280
    EM10-G3-200/P3-220 250/280 385/430 377/426 200/220 280/300
    EM10-G3-220/P3-250 280/355 430/468 426/465 220/250 300/370
    EM10-G3-250/P3-280 355/396 468/525 465/520 250/280 370/400
    EM10-G3-280/P3-315 396/445 525/590 520/585 280/315 400/420
    EM10-G3-315/P3-355 445/500 590/665 585/650 315/355 420/500
    EM10-G3-355 500 665 650 355 500
    EM10-G3-400 560 785 725 400 530
    EM10-G3-450 630 883 820 450 600
    EM10-G3-500 800 920 860 500 660
    3 phase 480V 50/60Hz          
    EM10B-G4-d75/P4-1d5 1.5/3 5/5.8 2.1/3.8 0.75/1.5 45293
    EM10B-G4-1d5/P4-2d2 45355 5.8/10.5 3.8/5.1 1.5/2.2 45325
    EM10B-G4-2d2/P4-004 4/5.9 10.5/14.6 5.1/9 2.2/3.7 45356
    EM10-G4-004/P4-5d5 5.9/8.9 14.6/20.5 45548 3.7/5.5 5/7.5
    EM10-G4-5d5/P4-7d5 8.9/11 20.5/26 13/17 5.5/7.5 7.5/10
    EM10-G4-7d5/P4-011 45613 26/35 17/25 7.5/11 45580
    EM10-G4-011/P4-015 17/21 35/38.5 25/32 45611 15/20
    EM10-G4-015/P4-018 21/24 38.5/46.5 32/37 15/18.5 20/25
    EM10-G4-018/P4-022 24/30 46.5/62 37/45 18.5/22 25/30
    EM10-G4-022/P4-030 30/40 62/76 45/60 22/30 30/40
    EM10-G4-030/P4-037 40/57 76/92 60/75 30/37 40/50
    EM10-G4-037/P4-045 57/69 92/113 75/91 37/45 50/60
    EM10-G4-045/P4-055 69/85 113/128 91/112 45/55 60/75
    EM10-G4-055/P4-075 85/114 128/157 112/150 55/75 75/100
    EM10-G4-075/P4-090 114/134 157/180 150/176 75/90 100/125
    EM10-G4-090/P4-110 134/160 180/214 176/210 90/110 125/150
    EM10-G4-110/P4-132 160/192 214/256 210/253 110/132 150/200
    EM10-G4-132/P4-160 192/231 256/307 253/304 132/160 200/250
    EM10-G4-160/P4-200 231/250 307/385 304/377 160/200 250/280
    EM10-G4-200/P4-220 250/280 385/430 377/426 200/220 280/300
    EM10-G4-220/P4-250 280/355 430/468 426/465 220/250 300/370
    EM10-G4-250/P4-280 355/396 468/525 465/520 250/280 370/400
    EM10-G4-280/P4-315 396/445 525/590 520/585 280/315 400/420
    EM10-G4-315/P4-355 445/500 590/665 585/650 315/355 420/500
    EM10-G4-355 500 665 650 355 500
    EM10-G4-400 560 785 725 400 530
    EM10-G4-450 630 883 820 450 600
    EM10-G4-500 800 920 860 500 660